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School atmosphere is differently experienced by different individuals. As we are growing up, it is imperative that we are aware of our strengths and weaknesses while choosing the field we want to pursue. Therefore, a career counseling session is much of a help. The session gives a holistic approach from, intelligence, intellect, aptitude, personality and interest areas. It reiterates the fact that “no career is a wrong one”. Imagine how ease achieving dreams would be if we know our interests and strengths already. Also working on our weaknesses thus making us a more competent individual. It furthermore transforms as you grow in a position with evolution in responsibilities and tackling new situations. Career counseling in such arenas help in building capabilities and leaves no stone unturned in ensuring that with our independence in doing a task, each task for us becomes a relatively easier, thereby bringing satisfaction and contentment in our chosen profession.

A thorough career counseling session was conducted with students of the eminent school, Sri Sri Academy. The principal very enthusiastically assisted the Caring Minds counselors to conduct a session for parents to help them understand the importance of career counseling for their children and the process of the same. Following which the psychological tests were administered on the group of class VIII children and individual reports were generated. Possible career choices were mentioned with the intelligence level, interest areas, personality etc.